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Here are some of the indigenous plants we use in revegetation projects. Surplus trees are sometimes available to the public.  

Manna Gum

Eucalyptus Vimanalis 

Size: Very Large, 25-50m

Description: Has a smooth white trunk and narrow leaves. Attracts koalas.


Soil: moist but well drained soils.


Grows well in: Wet and dry areas


Swamp Gum

Eucalyptus Ovata


Size: Smaller to medium Eucalypt, 8-25 meters

Description: Trunk has dark bark and peels off ribbons, upper trunk and branches are typically smooth


Soil: Swampy wet soils, doesnt require large amounts of drainage.


Grows well in: Wet areas.


Acacia melanoxylon


Size: 6-30m Tree

Description: Dark green dense foliage. Rough thick bark on the trunk.


Soil: versatile but prefers a significant access to water.


Grows well in: Wet and dry areas


Eucalyptus Obliqua


Size: Large trees, averages around 30m tall, but can be quite a lot taller if the conditions permit.

Description: Trunk has fibrous bark and is often quite straight. Foliage is a dark green colour.


Soil: Well drained areas


Grows well in: Dry areas

Narrow Leaf Wattle

Acacia mucronata


Size: Large shrub growing from 2-8m in height.

Description: Narrow leaves with elongated yellow flowers from August to October. Drought resistant once established.


Soil: Moist well drained soil.


Grows well in: Dry areas.



Myrtle Wattle

Acacia myrtifolia



Size: Smaller shrub, 1-3m tall

Description: Fast growing with broad leaves. Creamy yellow flowers typically from July to October.


Soil: Tolerates a large difference in soils.


Grows well in: drier areas


Hop Wattle

Acacia stricta



Size: Medium shrub. Roughly 5m tall, 4m wide

Description: Quick growing shrub ideal for establishing an area for revegetation works. Drought harder, tolerant of coastal areas. Pale yellow flowers May to October.


Soil: Versatile


Grows well in: Dry areas preferred, but can establish in wet areas.


Prickly Moses

Acacia verticillata


Size: medium sized shrub, 6m tall and 5m wide.

Description: Very prickly and dense shrub with strong yellow flowers from June to December. Very good at attractive small birds to the area as it provides great habitat.


Soil: Can withstand water logging. Grows in most soils including alkaline soils that may have been impacted by Cyprus trees.


Grows well in: prefers drier areas, but can withstand wet areas to a degree.


Snowy Daisy Bush

Oleria lirata


Size: Open shrub that is 5m call and 3m wide

Description: Dark green leaves with a pale underside. Flowers late in the year to February. Leaves much thinner than  Musk Daisy Bush (Olearia agrophylla).


Soil: Moist well drained soil.


Grows well in: wetter areas, often seen along Power Creek.


Musk Daisy Bush

Oleria argophylla


Size: Tall shrub that is open. Grows to a height of 3-8m tall and 3m wide.

Description: a musky scented plant with broad dark leaves with a pale/silver underside. Small clusters of flowers from late in the year to February


Soil: Moist areas with well drained soil


Grows well in: wetter areas alongside gullies. Often seen at Power Creek


Swamp Paperbark

Melaleuca squarrosa


Size: Small tree that grows 2-9m tall

Description: Recognisable papery bark with small leaves. Creamy flowers typically October to November


Soil: Likes poorly drained soil, swamps and stream falts. Strong enough to handle coastal winds.


Grows well in: Wetter areas.


Drooping She-Oak

Allocasuarina verticillata



Size: Small tree, 1-3m tall. A lot smaller than a drooping she-oak.

Description: Dense shrub with significantly elongated leaves that are easily recognisable as a she-oaks leaves.


Soil: Scubby environments that aren't necessarily easily drained. 


Grows well in: Drier areas, can withstand wet periods.

Prickly Tea Tree

Leptospermum continentale


Size: Shrub that grows to 1-4m tall.

Description: Rigid shurb that contains prickly leaves with flaky bark. Roughly 2cm large flowers from October to March.


Soil: Often found in poorly drained areas, but can handle a wide range of variability


Grows well in: Prefers drier areas, can handle wet areas also.



Woolly Tea Tree

Leptospermum lanigerum



Size: Small tree that is 2-6m tall.

Description: Very dense tree that has leaves that contain small silver hairs on the underside. Typically flowers from September to December.


Soil: Moist areas alongside gullies.


Grows well in: Wet areas that have large amounts of water through such as gullies, swamps, rivers.


Silver banksia

Banksia marginata



Size: Open tree that can grow above 7m tall

Description: Dark green serrated leaves with a silver underside. Not typically the garden variety of Banksia.


Soil: Often found in poorly drained soils, but can handle most soil types.


Grows well in: Dry and wet areas.

Hop Goodenia

Goodenia ovata

Size: Shrub that grows to a 3m radius

Description: Great for shading out weeds such as blackberry. Light green toothed leaves with yellow flowers in August to Feb.


Soil: Versatile, however prefers damp soil. Can tolerate waterlogging.


Grows well in: Wet and dry areas

Kangaroo Apple

Solanum lacinatum


Size: Shrub roughly 3m tall and 3m wide. Very open

Description: Dark green elongated leaves. Often mistaken for a weed with it's bright red berries and how quickly it establishes areas.


Soil: Prefers rocky areas on most soil. 


Grows well in: Wet and dry area.

Silver Tussock Grass

Poa labillardieri


Size: Grass that grows 80cm tall, can get quite wide if conditions permit.

Description: Coarse tussock with greyish green leaves. Often used as ornamental grasses in parks and lakes. Green or purplish flower spikelets typically from October to February.


Soil: Very versatile tussock that can be grown almost everywhere 


Grows well in: Wet and dry area.

Kangaroo Grass

Themeda triandra


Size: Perennial tussock to 75cm.

Description: Soft tussock with green, purple and bluish leaves. Glossy broan flower spikes from September to February.


Soil: Versatile, doesnt like swampy areas.


Grows well in: prefers drier areas.




Red Fruited Saw-Sedge

Gahnia sieberiana


Size: Large sedge up to 1.8m tall.

Description: Very sharp leaves that can cause injury if not careful. Large plume-like flowering stems appear in summer and linger for a long period of time.


Soil: prefers moist soils to establish, can tolerate droguht conditions once established.


Grows well in: Wet and dry areas.

Spiny Mat Rush

Lomandra longifolia


Size: Sedge 0.4-1m tall

Description: Densly tufted sedge with glossy flat long leaves. Flower spikelets July to September with fruit after.


Soil: Versatile from sandy areas to swampy areas.

Grows well in: Wet and dry.

Tall Sedge

Carex appressa


Size: Dense sedge 1m tall and 1m wide.

Description: Bright green leaves. Good for controlling erosion along stream banks and wetlands. Yellow-brown spikes during August - January.


Soil: Most Soils.


Grows well in: Wet areas.

Knobby Club-Rush

Isolepis nodosa


Size: Densely tufted perennial rush that can be up to 1m tall.

Description: Dark green tubular stems. Brown round tufts occur on the stem tops.


Soil: Damp to wet coastal soils


Grows well in: Wet areas, can be submerged for periods of time.

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